New Pastoral Assignments
Bishop Mark said. “Transitions are never easy for clergy or for their communities, so I ask the members of the communities that are going through a change to help make that transition as smooth as possible — supporting, thanking and assisting the deacon or priest who is moving to a new assignment, and warmly welcoming the one who is joining their community.”
The assignments are as follows:
Clergy Assignments Diocese of El Paso
June 2022
Fr. José Morales - Pastor, St. Mark, effective July 15
Fr. Michael Lewis - Administrator, Most Holy Trinity, effective June 24
Fr. Victorino Loresca - Administrator, St. Mary (Marfa, Texas), effective June 24
Fr. Miguel Perez - Administrator, Holy Spirit, effective July 15
Fr. Ray Finch, MM - Administrator, Cristo Rey, effective August 1
Fr. Astry Déraly - Parochial Vicar, St. Matthew, effective June 15
Fr. César Garcia - Parochial Vicar, St. Mark, effective June 24
Fr. Sergio Legarretta - Parochial Vicar, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, effective June 24
Fr. Iván Montelongo - Parochial Vicar, St. Stephen, effective July 1
Fr. Edroud Jean - Parochial Vicar, St. Raphael, effective July 1
Fr. José William Aravelo Narvaez, Parochial Vicar, St. Patrick Cathedral, effective July 18
Fr. José Vera - Parochial Vicar, Most Holy Trinity, effective Aug 1
Fr. Cong Vo - Parochial Vicar, St. Patrick Cathedral, effective Aug 1
Transitional Deacons
Queen of Peace, Effective Immediately
Deacon Angel Tarango, St. Stephen, Effective Immediately
Deacon Lloyd Divinagracia, Holy Spirit, Effective July 17th
Transitional Deacons
Dcn. Ángel Aguilar, Queen of Peace, effective immediately
Dcn. Ángel Tarango, St. Stephen, effective immediately
Dcn. Loyd Divinagracia, Holy Spirit, effective July 17
Come and enjoy delicious food and fellowship. You can pre-order here:
Registrations for Religious Formation
REgistrations for the new catechetical year will begin on may 16, 2022. If you or someone you know needs preparation to receive the sacraments, please contact the office of Religious Formation at 915-852-3520
Reconciliations (Confessions)
Regular Confession times are every Saturday at 3:30 p.m. in the new church.
You can also call the parish office for an appointment.
Holy Hour
We invite you to a time of prayer and adoration during our Holy Hour on the first and third Friday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in the church.
April 2022 -Church Updates for Pandemic
We are now in Phase 5. We are able to gather at 100% capacity. You are not required to sign up any longer. However, since we are still in a pandemic, you will be required to sanitize your hands as you enter the building.
The usage of Facial Masks are still recommended as a preventive measure in this COVID-19 Pandemic.
We continue to ask for your collaboration to self monitor. If you feel sick, or are experiencing any of the COVID-19 symptoms, please STAY home and contact your medical providers. If you are sick please take care of yourself and let us know how we can be of assistance.
Come Home!
Although we have not yet come to a time when we can say that all threats from COVID 19 have passed, I believe that we have come to a point at which our members who are not at elevated risk can return to Mass. Therefore, beginning this coming Sunday, August 1st, I am removing the temporary dispensation from the Sunday Mass Obligation.
As always, this obligation will apply to Catholics that are of the age of reason and in reasonably good health. Those who have a contagious illness, those who are generally confined because of age or other disabilities and those who face extraordinary obstacles that make it practically impossible to attend Mass on a Sunday are not obliged to do so. For those in such categories it is not a sin to miss Mass, although it is sad that they are unable to attend.
I would like to urge you to come back, not grudgingly, but joyfully. The Lord and the People of God in your parish community look forward to having you back. As helpful as the Sunday Mass on television has been, it is no replacement for those who are able to come. Jesus Christ is present with a special power and clarity whenever the Church gathers. Christ is ready to lead you in the worship of His Heavenly Father and to feed you with His Body and Blood.
Come Home!
Bp. Mark Seitz
New Food Bank Hours
You can sign up to help here:
The new hours for food distribution are on Wednesdays starting at 6:30 pm and Fridays starting at 8:00 am.
Do you want children and teens grow in their faith? Become a Catechist. If you are interested please contact us at the Office of Religious Formation at 915-852-3520.
14600 Horizon Blvd, Horizon City, TX 79928, USA
© 2021 by Holy Spirit Catholic Church